Your Stories

We are Under Lucky Stars, we make beautiful star maps showing the alignment of the stars in a place and date chosen by you. Everyone has that special moment in their life that is worth making into a star map. We asked you to tell us about yours.

This is one of our favorites stories.

Aveiro, Portugal on the 22nd of December, 2018, at 2:00am


It was a surprise ... A true surprise.

I had this friend, we worked together for five months then, and our friendship had become quite strong, daily long conversations. She quickly became a confidant and I could swear we had known each other in some sort of past life. She got me in ways I didn't know it was possible and I was amazed with how she made me feel. We talked for hours, about work and about every single aspect of our lives. I gotta admit, she became an addiction and she brought out the best in me, I wanted to protect her from all sorts of harm's way and I needed to make her smile, that would be the only way my day made any sense. With all this, however, I never thought of anything else except of how great our friendship was.

But, our workplace arranged for a Christmas dinner and we went together, she was even my ride! We had a lot of fun and I got pretty drunk, she took care of me. But it came to a point where I held her hand in mine and it just made perfect sense, like it was the most natural thing in the world. Then we had to leave, she drove and stopped when I needed fresh air. She held my hair and made me look up when I said I was becoming queasy, and my God, she looked perfect when our eyes crossed. I couldn't even stare at her. We from her eyes and her touch, We stayed outside, talked for hours, and then we hugged, one of those hugs that can repair broken hearts. And, with the stars as our witnesses, we kissed... and it was the most magical thing ever and we haven't stopped kissing, hugging and loving ever since.

She makes me the happiest woman on the face of the Earth.
Foi uma surpresa... Uma verdadeira surpresa.

Eu tinha esta amiga, nós trabalhávamos juntas há cinco meses na altura e a nossa amizade tinha crescido e tinha-se tornado bastante forte, com longas conversas diárias. Ela rapidamente se tornou numa confidente e eu podia jurar que nos conhecíamos há uma vida passada. Ela compreendia-me de formas que eu não sabia ser possível e eu estava maravilhada com a forma como ela me fazia sentir. Falávamos durante horas, sobre trabalho e sobre todos os outros aspectos da nossa vida. Tenho de admitir, ela tornou-se um vício e favorecia o melhor de mim. Queria protegê-la de todos os males e precisava de a fazer sorrir para o meu dia fazer sentido.
Contudo, com tudo isto, nunca pensei em nada mais a não ser o quão incrível era a nossa amizade.

Mas, a empresa organizou um jantar de Natal e nós fomos juntas, ela foi a minha boleia. Divertimo-nos muito e eu alcoolizei-me, ela tomou conta de mim. Mas o momento chegou em que segurei a sua mão na minha e tudo fez sentido, como se fosse a coisa mais natural do Mundo. Depois, ela segurou o meu cabelo e obrigou-me a olhar para cima, quando comecei a precisar de ar fresco, e Meu deus, ela estava perfeita quando os nossos olhos se cruzaram. Fugi dela, mas ficámos a conversar durante horas, até que nos abraçámos, um abraço capaz de reparar corações partidos. E, com as estrelas como nossas testemunhas, beijámo-nos. E foi a coisa mais mágica de sempre, e desde então que não paramos de nos beijar e abraçar.

E ela faz-me a mulher mais feliz à face da Terra.

Stars above Aveiro, Portugal on the 22nd of December, 2018, at 2:00am
Published on July 16, 2019, 11:10 am

Read the rest of the stories here.


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