Map the Stars - Then & Now

Since the dawn of mankind, we have been fascinated with the stars. Tiny pinpricks of light in the dark sky to guide your journey. Or to quote a great philosopher “Fireflies that got stuck onto that big blue-ish black thing” (Timone, from The Lion King).…

10 Ancient Technologies You Won’t Believe

Technology has boomed over the last 100 years. We know more and can do more than ever before. As Nikola Tesla said, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of existence”.…

10 Star Maps for 10 Great Events from History

A personalized star map is one of the best ways to remember, commemorate and connect to a time in the past. Romantic star maps recording a time and place significant to a relationship are the most popular star map options, as are birthdays. You can choose from any date since 1900…

How to become an Astronaut

So, you want to become an Astronaut. If telescopes, observatories, and even the most cutting-edge stargazing technology won’t quite scratch that itch to see the stars, then you should consider this career.…

Top 50 Facts About the Sun

When we think of stars, most people think of the twinkling dots of light in the night sky. There is a much closer and much brighter star which you can see in the daytime, however: the Sun. If you ever want to thank your lucky stars, don’t forget to include the Sun!…

The Super Solar System Quiz

If you’re looking for some great questions for your pub quiz, to do at home with your friends, or just to test yourself then look no further. We’ve compiled the Solar System Quiz with some of our favourite trivia and we’ve made it “print friendly” by adding spaces for your answers.…

The Stories Behind the Star Signs

We all know that the star signs have a symbol associated with them. Leo is represented by a lion. Scorpio has a scorpion. Cancer has a crab and so on. But how did they come to be? It isn’t just because of the way they look. There is a story behind every star sign!…