

Under Lucky Stars へようこそ。

Under Lucky Stars のマップは第三者により科学的検証を得た高精度のデータを使用。不正なものを避けるのに役立ちます。


As seen in Forbes, USA Today, MSN, Lonely Planet, HuffPost and Yahoo As seen in Forbes, USA Today, MSN, Lonely Planet, HuffPost and Yahoo


Under Lucky Stars を選ぶ理由



デザインを選ぶだけに留まらず、オリジナルのタイトルやフットノートを入れることで、スターマップを完全にカスタマイズできます。 すべてのマップが世界に一つだけ。あなただけのオンデマンド制作です。唯一無二の贈り物にいかがですか。






厚手の200gsmマットアート紙に300dpiで印刷されるスターマップは、ミュージアムレベルの高品質。 世代を超えて受け継ぐことのできるハイグレードな一枚は、私たちの誇りです。 お客様から寄せられたレビューも合わせてご覧ください。



2016年にパーソナル・スターマップのコンセプトを開発して以来、すでに10万枚以上のスターマップをお届けし、10万以上の特別な瞬間をお客様とともに祝ってきました。 ストーリーで、お気に入りの作品集をご覧ください。



Under Lucky Stars は世界各地への配送を承っています。 お急ぎの場合は、配送オプションでエクスプレス便をお選びください。 フレームなしでマップのみの場合、配送料は世界中どこでも無料です。



We hired a NASA engineer to validate the scientific accuracy of our maps so you can be sure that you are always getting an accurate star map for the most important moments of your life and helps you avoid fake products. Read more here.



ご希望の瞬間の星の配置をチャート化する Under Lucky Stars アルゴリズムは、自社開発されたものです。イェール大学理学部をはじめとする、信頼性の高い天文学データソースを使用しています。





Star Map Owner karalewisnewton


Star Map Owner sammidreiling


Star Map Owner kellydavisbeauty


Star Map Owner realdlc


Star Map Owner taylorluekexo


Star Map Owner nic.maxam


Star Map Owner violette_a_paillettes


Star Map Owner sofiawolff
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by sofiawolff

@sofiawolff "It feels so damn good"

Star Map Owner pa.tryc.ja
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by pa.tryc.ja

@pa.tryc.ja "He still surprises me"

Star Map Owner martonavila
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by martonavila

@martonavila "Looks beautiful in my dining room"

Star Map Owner artynads
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by artynads

@artynads "Such a great idea! It's so different"

Star Map Owner suerose
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by suerose


Star Map Owner Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson

@Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson legendary astrophysicist

Star Map Owner vickidignard5
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by vickidignard5


Star Map Owner susandumirai
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by susandumirai


Star Map Owner celeste_wright
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by celeste_wright

@celeste_wright "It's gorgeous!!!! I love it already. It's a star map of what the stars looked like the minute Lila was born above the hospital she was born in. 💘"

Star Map Owner dayanne_br
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by dayanne_br

@dayanne_br "Thank you @sudapl for adding a spark of magic in every moment we spend together."

Star Map Owner soniamencarelli
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by soniamencarelli

@soniamencarelli "Our first kiss happened under a starry sky in September"

Star Map Owner prettybudgettips
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by prettybudgettips

@prettybudgettips "I love stars and all products with stars! 💫"

Star Map Owner mkbhd
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by mkbhd

@mkbhd "Lowkey this is the nerdiest poster you will ever see. Shoutout to @underluckystars for some studio art."

Star Map Owner derekromero_
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by derekromero_

@derekromero_ "My girlfriend loved your star maps! She couldn't stop crying"

Star Map Owner piiatuuli
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by piiatuuli

@piiatuuli "Amazing"

Star Map Owner ella_aalto
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by ella_aalto

@ella_aalto "This one surprised me with the best gift ever ❤"️

Star Map Owner michellemcgradyphotography
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by michellemcgradyphotography


Star Map Owner irmadedusic
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by irmadedusic


Star Map Owner margiespage
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by margiespage

@margiespage "Our two year anniversary is coming up and this poster from @underluckystars reminded me of it. This is what the sky looked like on the exact day we got married!! How special is that?"

Star Map Owner othersparkles
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by othersparkles

@othersparkles "Thank you @underluckystars for never letting memories fade ⭐"

Star Map Owner lil.lucky.star
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by lil.lucky.star

@lil.lucky.star "Who’s surprised we got each other the exact same gift 😍 @underluckystars thank you for the beautiful prints!"

Star Map Owner vivaaace
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by vivaaace

@vivaaace "having something that documents our relationship means so much to us."

Star Map Owner emiliedurck
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by emiliedurck

@emiliedurck "Thanks for making this long distance relationship so much easier!!!!"

Star Map Owner liviablossom
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by liviablossom


Star Map Owner migahjung
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by migahjung


Star Map Owner mama.von.leo
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by mama.von.leo


Star Map Owner skinnylattemommy
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by skinnylattemommy

@skinnylattemommy "Best gift EVER! I adore this map of the stars on our wedding day from @underluckystars. I have been intentional about filling my home with meaningful decor, and this makes me smile every time I look at it. 😍"

Star Map Owner jexul
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by jexul

@jexul "She loves it!"

Star Map Owner brittanymang20
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by brittanymang20

@brittanymang20 "I love it! It's the perfect gift!"

Star Map Owner alessia.lee_
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by alessia.lee_


Star Map Owner lumi_blose
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by lumi_blose

@lumi_blose "I thought about making a special gift, not just a simple object that you use and then you get tired, but rather something special, which lasts forever..."

Star Map Owner thejenwhen
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by thejenwhen


Star Map Owner wavesandlilacs
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by wavesandlilacs

@wavesandlilacs "1. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays hands down. 2. Surprising Jake with a map of the constellations from the day we were married from @underluckystars made it that much better this year. "

Star Map Owner cvm.photo
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by cvm.photo

@cvm.photo "cozy."

Star Map Owner rickkrisman
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by rickkrisman

@rickkrisman "❤️❤️"

Star Map Owner francoalvarezcrestana
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by francoalvarezcrestana

@francoalvarezcrestana "💪👌👌️"

Star Map Owner elisamayx
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by elisamayx

@elisamayx "Perfect!️ ❤"️

Star Map Owner realdlc
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by realdlc


Star Map Owner merijn.yth
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by merijn.yth

@merijn.yth "That night, under the French sky we had our first kiss. One year later I surprised my girlfriend with the star map of that moment on the exact same location of our first kiss"

Star Map Owner umnaamr
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by umnaamr

@umnaamr "For there is no better way to capture the beauty of the night we got married than by remembering how the stars looked down upon us."

Star Map Owner aljawharah.f
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by aljawharah.f


Star Map Owner manufilgueira
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by manufilgueira


Star Map Owner enjoy.mamahood
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by enjoy.mamahood


Star Map Owner yevka_kobenko
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by yevka_kobenko


Star Map Owner alyssaaleww
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by alyssaaleww

@alyssaaleww "Thank you for happy tears 💗"

Star Map Owner mylifebylexi
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by mylifebylexi

@mylifebylexi "We feel like the stars aligned the day we met, and so for this day I wanted to freeze the night sky forever. The most romantic flipping gift I’ve ever got him."

Star Map Owner mz.interior
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by mz.interior

@mz.interior "😍"

Star Map Owner k4ms
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by k4ms


Star Map Owner martinazilio
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by martinazilio

@martinazilio "A lovely present for me and my sweetie"

Star Map Owner miixtapeherz
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by miixtapeherz

@miixtapeherz "The Night I Knew🌹"

Star Map Owner sheridaningalls
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by sheridaningalls


Star Map Owner manuelaleguizamon
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by manuelaleguizamon


Star Map Owner foundandfree
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by foundandfree


Star Map Owner britt_eisele
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by britt_eisele


Star Map Owner 123jasmined
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by 123jasmined

@123jasmined The universe gave me you for a reason

Star Map Owner maleiamargaret
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by maleiamargaret

@maleiamargaret "This might sound cheesy, but you stole a pretty big pizza my heart"

Star Map Owner chrisandnate
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by chrisandnate





まだ困ってる? ニューヨークシティのヘイデン・プラネタリウム館長にして天体物理学界のレジェンド、ニール・ドグラース・タイソン博士が、コメディアンのチャック・ナイスとともにUnder Lucky Starsについて説明するとってもおもしろいビデオです。



Star Map Close Up Star Map Close Up Star Map Close Up



場所(都市など)と日時をご指定くだされば、その瞬間のすべての星や星座の正確な天球の位置を、天文学的アルゴリズムを使って計算することができます。 そして、これらを地図に投影して印刷することで、あなたの特別な瞬間の思い出の品となるようにしています。 例えば、初デート、結婚式の日、誕生日、あるいは亡くなった最愛の人たち、など。


価格は、サイズとフレームにより異なります。 最小サイズ(30×40cm)の場合、配送料込みで$49よりご案内しています。 製品には、最高品質の滑らかな240gsmアートプリント紙を使用しています。 品質にはきっとご満足いただけるはずです。







主要なクレジットカードと PayPal をご利用いただけます。


Under Lucky Stars のサイト上でマップをお好みに合わせてデザイン&プレビューし、そのままご注文いただけます。 こちらをクリックしてください。



Too much text, I need a short video.

Sure, here you go:



Under Lucky Stars Logo
アメリカ製 🇺🇸