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Mapas de estrellas para aniversarios

Somos Under Lucky Stars.

Creamos hermosos mapas estelares diseñados que muestran la alineación única de las estrellas en un lugar y una fecha elegidos por ti.

Todos los años celebras con tu pareja el día que os conocisteis o cuando disteis el «Sí, quiero». Ya es hora de dejar de regalar flores y bombones. Hazle un regalo realmente original: un mapa que representa la posición de las estrellas el día en que creasteis ese momento especial.

Some Happy Star Map Couples

Star Map Owner vivaaace
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by vivaaace

vivaaace having something that documents our relationship means so much to us.

Star Map Owner suerose
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by suerose


Star Map Owner 123jasmined
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by 123jasmined

123jasmined The universe gave me you for a reason

Star Map Owner soniamencarelli
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by soniamencarelli

soniamencarelli Our first kiss happened under a starry sky in September

Star Map Owner vickidignard5
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by vickidignard5


Star Map Owner thejenwhen
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by thejenwhen


Star Map Owner dayanne_br
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by dayanne_br

dayanne_br Thank you @sudapl for adding a spark of magic in every moment we spend together.

Star Map Owner wavesandlilacs
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by wavesandlilacs

wavesandlilacs 1. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays hands down. 2. Surprising Jake with a map of the constellations from the day we were married from @underluckystars made it that much better this year.

Star Map Owner realdlc
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by realdlc


Star Map Owner chrisandnate
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by chrisandnate


Star Map Owner liviablossom
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by liviablossom


Star Map Owner migahjung
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by migahjung


Star Map Owner cvm.photo
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by cvm.photo

cvm.photo cozy.

Star Map Owner maleiamargaret
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by maleiamargaret

maleiamargaret This might sound cheesy, but you stole a pretty big pizza my heart

Star Map Owner derekromero_
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by derekromero_

derekromero_ My girlfriend loved your star maps! She couldn't stop crying

Star Map Owner ella_aalto
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by ella_aalto

ella_aalto This one surprised me with the best gift ever ❤️

Star Map Owner rickkrisman
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by rickkrisman

rickkrisman ❤️❤️

Star Map Owner lau.travel
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by lau.travel


Star Map Owner britt_eisele
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by britt_eisele


Star Map Owner sofiawolff
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by sofiawolff

sofiawolff It feels so damn good

Star Map Owner lifeindeetail
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by lifeindeetail


Star Map Owner sarahhej
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by sarahhej


Star Map Owner artynads
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by artynads

artynads Such a great idea! It's so different

Star Map Owner prettybudgettips
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by prettybudgettips

prettybudgettips I love stars and all products with stars! 💫

Star Map Owner piiatuuli
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by piiatuuli

piiatuuli Amazing

Star Map Owner irmadedusic
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by irmadedusic


Star Map Owner othersparkles
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by othersparkles

othersparkles Thank you @underluckystars for never letting memories fade ⭐

Star Map Owner skinnylattemommy
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by skinnylattemommy

skinnylattemommy Best gift EVER! I adore this map of the stars on our wedding day from @underluckystars. I have been intentional about filling my home with meaningful decor, and this makes me smile every time I look at it. 😍

Star Map Owner margiespage
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by margiespage

margiespage Our two year anniversary is coming up and this poster from @underluckystars reminded me of it. This is what the sky looked like on the exact day we got married!! How special is that?

Star Map Owner merijn.yth
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by merijn.yth

merijn.yth That night, under the French sky we had our first kiss. One year later I surprised my girlfriend with the star map of that moment on the exact same location of our first kiss

Star Map Owner lil.lucky.star
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by lil.lucky.star

lil.lucky.star Who’s surprised we got each other the exact same gift 😍 @underluckystars thank you for the beautiful prints!

Star Map Owner aljawharah.f
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by aljawharah.f


Star Map Owner mylifebylexi
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by mylifebylexi

mylifebylexi We feel like the stars aligned the day we met, and so for this day I wanted to freeze the night sky forever. The most romantic flipping gift I’ve ever got him.

Star Map Owner manuelaleguizamon
Under Lucky Stars Star Map by manuelaleguizamon



Elige tu diseño favorito y añade un título personalizado y una nota al pie.


¿Todavía no lo tienes claro? Permite que el legendario astrofísico Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, director del Planetario Hayden (Nueva York), te explique Under Lucky Stars en este video súper intrigante con el comediante Chuck Nice.


Star Map Owner Cotta Silva Nahuelpi
Cotta Silva Nahuelpi reviewed Under Lucky Stars5 ★
4 de octubre de 2020, 5:15
Es realmente hermoso ❤️ a mi novio le encantó!
Star Map Owner Andrés Alejandro Borbón Zamora
Andrés Alejandro Borbón Zamora reviewed Under Lucky Stars5 ★
21 de marzo de 2021, 1:16
El mejor regalo que un amante de las estrellas y del cosmos pueda recibir!! El mapa estelar del cielo el día que yo nací es demaciado genial 🌌🪐🔭👨🏻‍🚀🎈🎊🥳
Star Map Owner Trotamundos Misaeyi
Trotamundos Misaeyi reviewed Under Lucky Stars5 ★
4 de marzo de 2021, 12:13
La calidad, servicio y responsabilidad que demuestran para realizar sus pedifos es muy buena, además de ser un regalo muy creativo
Star Map Owner Lucía Ortega Rodrigo
Lucía Ortega Rodrigo reviewed Under Lucky Stars5 ★
28 de febrero de 2021, 9:26
El producto es bonito y cuidando hasta el mínimo detalle. La atención al cliente extraordinaria y la implicación mayor. Hubo un retraso con las aduanas y se volcaron para solucionarlo. Responden a los emails casi al instante. Muy recomendable.
Star Map Owner Alexis Sepúlveda
Alexis Sepúlveda reviewed Under Lucky Stars5 ★
16 de febrero de 2021, 1:02
excelente producto, mejor de lo que esperaba
Encuentra más reseñas aquí

Cartas de amor

Algunas de los muchas que recibimos (no queremos alardear)

Just received it OMG thank you thank you so much, I love it! It's so beautiful! Will definitely send you some pictures as soon as gift it to my bf, thank you guys for your full support and the best customer service Hello, I will tell you that my purchase was in great shape upon arrival and my husband of just a few years was speechless. He had it framed immediately and hung it in his den. He is very particular about what goes in his den! So we were both very pleased. Thank you so much!!! What you guys do is absolutely amazing this is the perfect gift, everyone I've told about it has loved the idea and has made plans to order one for future gifts to others, again, thank you! Hi! I am Shania! I just wanted to let you all know that you did a phenomenal job and that the star-map as well as the frame are gorgeous! The present is being well-loved. Thank you again I got my pakcage today and I'm beyond happy thank you so much This was my wedding gift to my husband, thanks for making my dreams come true! Hello my dears! My parcel arrived today and I am super happy and so impressed with the quality! The poster looks really nice! I ordered it on 3 September and that it arrives so fast in Germany I would not have thought. Great work! Thank you very much! Thank you again. She loved it so much that her mom had to wait til the next day to take a picture because she wouldn't stop crying

Title Inspiration

If you are not sure what to write, try one of these titles:

  • The night of our anniversary
  • Our 1st anniversary out of many
  • Happy anniversary
  • One of many more anniversaries
  • The day of our Silver Anniversary
  • The sky of our Pearl Anniversary
  • The sky of our Golden Anniversary
  • The night we started our adventure
  • One more year around the Sun


Resolución nítida, calidad de impresión insuperable.

Star Map Close Up Star Map Close Up Star Map Close Up

Preguntas frecuentes

Me encantan. ¿Cuánto cuestan?

Depende del tamaño y del marco. Nuestro póster más pequeño (12 x 16 pulgadas o 30 x 40 cm) está disponible a partir de $49 envío incluido. Nuestro producto, que se imprime en hojas de 240 g, siendo el póster artístico con mejor calidad en el mercado. Estamos muy orgullosos de él.

¿Cuánto tarda el envío?

En el caso de los envíos a Estados Unidos, la UE y Australia, calculamos unos 7-10 días naturales; a Latinoamérica, 14-31 días, y al resto del mundo, 10-21 días.

Si necesitas recibirlo antes puedes utilizar el envío express, que está disponible para casi todos los países.

¿Hacen envíos a Estados Unidos?

Claro que sí.

¿Cómo pago?

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¿Cómo hago el pedido?

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¿Es este el regalo perfecto?

Sí, lo es.

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Diseña el tuyo desde $49
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